Our Ghost Mannequin Services

Ghost Mannequin services are meant to bring your photos to life. It is a service mostly meant for fashion retailers to help them generate more sales. The fashion retailers have two options to market their collections, i.e., hiring live models or using dummies.

Therefore, ghost mannequin services offered by our proficient team of experts are called out to help sort this problem. It doesn’t matter whether you want to give a beautiful appeal to a full mannequin or take up the neck joint services for a focused appeal. We can help you achieve it. Hiring our professional ghost mannequin services, you will get productively edited outputs to give an appealing depth to your product. We also intend to keep the natural touch of the image intact, which is meant to offer the appeal, your customers demand.

Sample Portfolio Work

Our expert team of image editors can Ghost your product images like no one else can do. This is because we use both analogue and digital techniques to transform your product images. We guarantee that our services is a perfect alternative to flat lay photography. Our expert image editors can make your fashion images look fabulous by using the following techniques:


Highly Experienced Image Editors

At Issh Path, we have dedicated professionals who will explain to you the importance of taking ghost mannequin service. You might not be aware of it, but ghost mannequins allow consumers to envision themselves wearing the outfit or jewelry. They would get an idea of how the product would look upon them. And, the chances of purchase increases eventually!

We are here to help you with quality images that will appeal to your entire business marketing solution. Online businesses run with high-quality product images. And, with ghost mannequin service, you can be sure about getting your fashion collection and accessories to be well-presented amongst the targeted audience.

Why Hire Us?

We assure you that all your finalized product images will be of high quality and free from any traces of techniques. No one will ever know that you've applied photo editing techniques on your product images. We also assure you that we will use all the best resources available to create flawless and eye-popping images for your products. We have a big team of photo editors who can work on your images within the fastest time possible.

Reach out to us today and get a clear insight into our ghost mannequin service aspects. Following that, you can also get a free price quote from us, based upon your service requirements and expectation.

How It Works

01 . Request a Quote

We can help to provide the best Price.

02 . quick response

Get the best price in your mail asap.

03 . Approve quote

Approve project and send the images .

04 . download image

Download and review the images

05 . made payment

Made payment via paypal , credit card , etc.

06 . give us review

Rate us for our qualitis works.

Special Discount for
Bulk Images !

We provide 100% handmade photo editing services to use photoshop. So you will get great quality services. always try to deliver your order within 24 hours or less.